Take responsibility for your own learning
Recently, there has been a lot of discussion on this topic on social media, and in various dance teacher forums around the idea of students taking responsibility for their own learning. With a growing demonstration of the lack of focus and attention in class, disregard for basic etiquette such as turning up to class on time, and what seems to be growing phenomena of videoing and ones’ self in class for “likes” on the gram or tik-tok, us teachers are now asking questions like ‘Why are you even in class?’. As teachers we spend a great deal of time preparing class content suitable for the progress of the class and students, but then it’s up to the student to take responsibility for their own learning.
Why do you take dance classes at all?
An adult studio like ours means that students are walking through the doors for all sorts of reasons. Some students are pursuing a professional career and need to keep developing or maintaining their skills and technique, some student attend for exercise and health reasons and others because they just cannot live without dance; it’s what they’ve always done and what they’ve always known – forever in pursuit of mastering the next technical challenge or pursuing the state of ‘flow’ when lost in the totality of the dance . What ever the reason, there is an intentionality with their presence and reason for being in class.
Without a self-driven reason, or purpose for coming to class (that doesn’t involve external validation through videos on social media), you may unintentionally impact the rest of the class, including the teacher and yourself negatively. This is a question we as students of dance need to ask ourselves. “Why am I going to class?” “What do I need to get out of this class?” The intention you come with must be at the forefront of your mind for every class you attend. Without a set intention, without a presence and intentionality in everything you do in class your energy (or lack thereof) will permeate throughout the class whether you realise it or not. It affects the teacher, and the students around you.
So, when you come to class, set your intention and stay focussed on it the moment you step on the dance floor.
Dance class is a two-way conversation
I recently saw a dance teacher in America talk about the idea that a dance class is a two-way conversation between the student and the teacher. And I had one of those Oprah “ahh-haa” moments. What a perfect way to put it. I’ve always said that the energy you bring to class matched by the teacher and other students. It is when there is a mismatch of energy that there is a disconnection between the student and the teacher. Describing it as a conversation is another great way explaining this idea. At some point we have all been in a situation where we’re trying to have a conversation with someone and no matter how open ended your questions are they give you one word answers that shorten the conversation. They do not know how to, or want to reciprocate in dialogue to keep the conversation going. The conversation ends and you walk away thinking ‘well that was a waste of time’. The same is for dance class.
You need to bring the energy and focus to dance class that you want reciprocated. If you’re in class constantly looking at your reflection fixing your clothes, and not one hundred percent focussed on the teacher, or if you’re thinking about things outside of class, or even thinking about if you want to post your class footage on Instagram then you’re not getting out of class what your teacher is putting into class. As Dr. John Doty mentions in his book “Mind Magic” quantum physics has proved that all physical and biological matter in this world gives off a vibration (through a complex network of biological processes and networks). In this way, all physical and biological matter is in constant vibration and resonance with each other. As such what is going on in your mind impacts your vibration and how you resonate with the teacher and with others in class. So next time you’re feeling disconnected in class or feel like you’re not getting anything from the class, take a moment to assess what you are bringing to the class in terms of your energy, and your presence, and your intention.