Flamenco Classes

Learn to dance with passion in our tailored Flamenco classes

We understand that starting dance classes as an adult can be daunting, especially when you’re joining a class of students who have already been learning for weeks. To help overcome this, we run a 6-week Flamenco BASICS course tailored specifically for adults with little to no dance experience. You can join our Flamenco BASICS courses comforted by the knowledge that others in the class are also novice dancers like you.

The BASICS courses are designed to break things down to the bare basics, starting with concepts like posture, the names of the different positions, and how the steps relate to each other. Each course is a complete 6-week term, consisting of one 75-minute class per week.

Each class builds on lessons from the class before it (hence why term enrolment is required), progressively teaching you the core fundamentals of Flamenco dancing. Casual attendance is not permitted in this class, as attending class sporadically will not enable students to develop the skills needed to progress and enjoy our Beginner or Elementary Flamenco class.

After completing a BASICS course, you’ll have the skills to join an Absolute Beginners Flamenco Class, or a Standard Beginners/Elementary Flamenco Class. You can do the BASICS course as many times as you like, until you feel confident enough to progress to another level. We advise you speak to your teacher regularly to check on your progress and see when you’ll be ready to move up. Please remember that everyone learns differently and at a different pace. It’s important not to compare yourself to others. Aim to be patient with yourself, and trust in the process.


This class is a joy. Karen’s classes provide an achievable challenge and her clear presentation and faultless technique just work for me. Her music selection is inspiring and the beautiful choreography fits so very well. Makes my heart sing and stresses just evaporate.



I have been enjoying flamenco at DWS for 10 years now and love it more than ever.  The community and quality of the lessons are fantastic.  Everyone at DWS is so friendly and helpful.  I would attend every day if I could.  The atmosphere is warm, welcoming and respectful I have made so many great friends and when I am dancing I get to exercise regularly without even realising I am.  Can highly recommend flamenco at DWS – come and join us!




We have a timetable of casual drop-in classes from Beginners to Advanced levels. Dancers are welcome to join these classes at any time without any long term commitment.

We have a full schedule of classes. Our daytime classes run Tuesdays–Saturdays from 9:30am, as well as evening classes Mondays–Thursday from 5:30pm.

Book online below right now, or find out more details about our classes.


Flamenco is a genre of music, song and dance that evolved in Spain over centuries. It is highly influenced by the nomadic peoples who brought the arts and culture from the “ends of the earth”, including China, India and the Middle East. Flamenco is known for its emotional intensity, proud carriage, expressive use of the arms and rhythmic stamping of the feet.

The Cante (singing), Toque (guitar playing), dance and Palmas (handclaps) are the principal facets of flamenco. As with any dance form, many different styles of flamenco have developed. We have classes for absolute beginners, right through to advanced dancers. Our teachers have had years of experience in Spain, the UK and the USA mastering their craft in Flamenco.

We have plenty of practice skirts for students to borrow in class. Flamenco shoes are not compulsory when you begin, but a hard-soled shoe with a small heel (for both male and female students) is recommended to get the most out of the class.