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Welcome to our blog page, where you can explore various topics related to the art of dance.
Whether you are a seasoned dancer or a newcomer to the world of dance, our blog offers insights and information to enhance your understanding and enjoyment of this beautiful art form. From tips on perfecting your technique to exploring different dance styles, our blog covers a wide range of dance-related topics.
At our dance studio, we offer classes and courses for all ages and skill levels, and our blog page serves as a valuable resource to supplement your dance education. We hope you find our blog informative and inspiring as you continue your dance journey with us.
How To Get The Most Out of Dance Class
Recently, there has been a lot of discussion on this topic on social media, and in various dance teacher forums around the idea of students taking responsibility for their own learning.
Student In The Spotlight – Jane
Listen what Jane has to say & find out what Dance Workshop was like for her.
The Transformative Nature Of Dance – The Impact We Make
This is more of a personal reflection, than a properly curated blog post designed to inform and/or sell. So please forgive the following emotional outburst, but please indulge me.
Has Social Media Influenced How We Express Ourselves?
Real Danc(er) Mums of Perth
Hyperextension: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
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